Angel Buns


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Angel Buns剧情内容介绍

Angel Buns

In order to earn her wings, potential angel Angel Buns is dispatched to Earth to **** middle-aged Sidney Pertzer, who is about to commit ******* out of frustration over his sexual ineptitude and inexperience. She makes a list of all the various sexual activities that Sydney has never engaged in and sets out to make sure that he fulfills every sexual fantasy he has ever had.

发布于1981年。由David Buckley执导,并且由编剧Jim Buckley携幕后团队创作。集众多位蒂芙妮·克拉克、乔治·佩恩、杰瑞·巴特勒、罗伯特·科尔曼、维罗妮卡·哈特、罗恩·杰里米、Lisa Beth、Angelina Flores、Diane May、Brenda Brooks等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1981-07-28(美国)公映的电影。


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Angel Buns评价

  • 画质真够差的,大概看了下,这部维罗妮卡第一场床戏演的不错
